[Please, Leave Us Alone!]
I was reading an article about the history of human infected viruses that bats carried. It’s felt like humans got punished every time someone messed up with nature. I couldn’t help to imagine the bats are some secret superheroes who always stand up for others no matter how small themselves are.
I know that not every kind of animal can weep, and not everyone believes that animals can have expressions like human beings. I try to simulate tears and to reveal the moving emotions on the animal’s faces through the reflection of light. Each of them is terrified, helpless and desperate.
I understand the standpoint of this picture may be a little controversial, especially under the circumstance of the pandemic. I started this project early February when I thought the virus would be defeated very soon. It doesn’t mean to upset anyone, especially those who lost their loved ones. I wish no one gets hurt. Regardless of nationalities or races, all of us are suffering from a few people’s selfishness, arrogance and stupidity. Stay well apart, get through this together.
Sketched with Procreate, painted with Clip Studio Paint from Clip Studio and Wacom.
Fact checked by TOPP.
Thanks to the creators of the works below, which provided essential references for this picture.
起草于Procreate,使用Wacom绘制于Clip Studio家族的Clip Studio Paint。
- “bear-1102599.jpg” from pixabay.com published by diapicard, https://pixabay.com/photos/bear-animal-nature-wild-fur-1102599/
- “black-bear-4239558.jpg” from pixabay.com published by lshhweb, https://pixabay.com/photos/black-bear-asian-black-bear-4239558/
- “africa-1428549.jpg” from pixabay.com published by Scubatss, https://pixabay.com/photos/africa-elephant-wildlife-safari-1428549/
- “elephant-4475592.jpg” from pixabay.com published by RobGlenister, https://pixabay.com/photos/elephant-wildlife-africa-mammal-4475592/
- “rhino-936288.jpg” from pixabay.com published by Gellinger, https://pixabay.com/photos/rhino-horn-pachyderm-zoo-big-game-936288/
- “tiger-3096211.jpg” from pixabay.com published by Capri23auto, https://pixabay.com/photos/tiger-big-cat-predator-wildcat-3096211/
- “tiger-1822535.jpg” from pixabay.com published by sasint, https://pixabay.com/photos/tiger-animals-bengal-cat-feline-1822535/
- “bats-4512156.png” from pixabay.com published by GDJ, https://pixabay.com/vectors/bats-wings-line-art-flying-animals-4512156/
- “放慢脚步我们跟着白鼻心走” from 自然生活记趣 published by 小黑,http://blog.sina.com.tw/30839/article.php?entryid=605922
- “白鼻心” from 台北市立动物园保育网,https://www.zoo.gov.tw/introduce/detail.aspx?id=2109
- “东方角鸮” from 鸟百科, https://www.niaobaike.com/baike/11393.html
- “野外穿山甲”from 农讯网 published by 刘佩珊, https://www.nongxun.net/viewzh-2018030522542436
- “00518921” from mindenpictures.com published by Roland Seitre,https://www.mindenpictures.com/search/previewmodal/malayan-pangolin-manis-javanica-mother-and-young-in-defensive-postures
- “endearing mother and baby pangolin (armadillo)” from alphacoders.com published by durkeema,https://pics.alphacoders.com/pictures/view/293439
- “Oriental Scops-Owl”from birdsoftheworld.org published by Kai Pflug,https://birdsoftheworld.org/bow/species/orsowl/cur/introduction
- 《每件“鹤顶红”的背后,都是一桩灭门惨案》, https://m.guokr.com/article/446730/
- 《亲手照顾一只穿山甲宝宝,是什么体验?》,https://www.guokr.com/article/446754/
- 《【2018年物种日历】2月10日 黄胸鹀》,https://www.guokr.com/post/814729/
- 《最常见的“菜花蛇”,也快要被人吃没了》,https://xw.qq.com/cmsid/20200312A0QGNI00
- 《蝙蝠究竟有什么特别之处,能在体内藏这么多致命病毒?》,https://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_5671039